Monday, February 27, 2017

Autism And Emotions Printable

Welcome to AuSumness.

We're back with what we hope is another helpful edition to your arsenal of brilliant ideas on how to deal with symptoms of autism.  Download our free printable and help your friends, family or students when they are having problems with emotion overload.

As many of you know, emotions and social interactions can be very challenging for those with autism.  At times it can be difficult for some to understand and many times we're left shaking our heads, not having an idea what to do with all of this anger, sadness or even happiness.

Take a look at this helpful chart.  Print it out, laminate it and hang it in a place that's easy to access.  Remind the person in need of help of the chart.  Bring it to them, point to it or stand them in front of it.  Whatever method will help best with that particular person.
Right click and save to your downloads.

Right click and save to your downloads.

I've got two different versions for you.  Choose the one you need or take both.

Consider changing the subject and use distraction if none of the above steps work.  That one works wonders for our youngest.  If you can give the person time to vent or cry, than do that, too as long as they are not being destructive.  We spoke about destructive behaviour in a previous blog.

Thanks so much for joining us, today!  We've got a group on Facebook where you can chat with other people who have autistic children.  I've also got a board on Pinterest dedicated to Autism.

Best of luck!

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